Sunday, January 24, 2010

Winter Fun

As we braced for the storm that didn't arrive, we all stayed close to home and had some fun. On Friday, Dad, Isaac, Scott and I headed to the school to watch the Tommie/Central Valley rivalry. Tommies, of course, were victorious. Saturday, we were able to share and evening with some friends of ours. Good food, good wine, excellent company and some trivia for a nice time with friends. Sunday was full of football! Mom and dad joined us for watching some good games.

Since Scott's tournament was cancelled we all got to spend some time together. Scott and Isaac had a pretty intense snowball fight and then worked on creating "Steve" the snowman. Isaac was pretty insistant on putting a hat on him. After they found one, he asked Scott, "he doesn't sing". Nope, but he's pretty cute.
Eli is busy filling his mouth full of teeth. He had 3 surface within a day. 2 molars and one on the bottom...still no top front teeth. That's about it in our neck of the woods. Hope you're all swell!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Happy New Year everyone! Life has been good here at the Conrad house. Everyone is back in the swing of working and going to school for a full week. Scott is back traveling with the debate team. We've been doing our best to carve out some family time.Lots of "go fish" and Chimpmunks movie! We had a movie premiere at our house for the movie "Up". Eli's daycare provider gave him some snowman dishes for Christmas, he thought he was pretty cool with his own snack and dish with the rest of the fam.
Ahhhh....birthdays, birthdays! Dad turned 62 on the 6th of January. Scott is celebrating his 41st birthday today, the 12th. The two had a combined party this past Sunday. I believe we've been gathering every weekend to unwrap presents and eat excessively since Thanksgiving....seriously :-) We're taking this coming weekend off so if anyone has a party to invite us to...we're availalbe! If not, maybe we'll just throw some boxes and wrapping paper around to ween us off the parties...until Ian's big 3-0 at the end of the month!
An intense game of memory here....its like they were playing a separate game together....

Hopefully the boys had a good birthday. Scott came away with a ton of nice stuff including a new Columbia coat and snowpants....he'll be the coolest kid on the hill, no doubt!

Some assistance for our elderly honorees!

Hope 2010 is treating you all well thus far.