Sunday, September 26, 2010

Simple Pleasures

The boys have been loving these fall days, playing out in the neighborhood and at Grandma and Grandpa's. Everyone seems to be falling into the rythm of school and schedules.
Scott has started his weekend travels again. Last weekend, he received another coach of the year award. We're proud of all he does with his students and teams. "Yes mom, I can play in Eli's car...."

The rightful owner.....

We had a bon fire this weekend. The kids had a good time writing their name with smoke. Later, Scott taught Isaac how to look at the stars with the telescope....and Droid. It was a beautiful night to be outside.

Eli watched the Isaac, the neighbor kids and I wash cars...think the little man was running out of gas running with the big kids.
Revenge of the flags...amazingly its still out there! I think Scott secretly likes it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mike & Lexi

Mike and Lexi included us all in the celebration of their relationship on September 11 in Rainy River. We had the best time enjoying the day with loved ones.
These are in such a random order...sorry.
Through the eyes of a child. Elijah and I walked around the Sha Sha resort watching a boat. I would ask him, Where's the boat Eli? He would always point like this with the cutest little response.

Thanks Mike and Lexi for a great weekend and including us in your day. Great memories....Best Wishes!

Ready or not...fall is here!

Who needs a Halloween costume when you can have 1 blue M & M! Thompson started school August 24. Isaac is starting the 1st grade. If we could channel his social energy into school, he'd be now entering the 6th grade!