Monday, November 14, 2011

Flashback=No Public Office

So as parents, I'm sure you've heard, he/she looks just like so and so. We too get this a lot. Our two boys tend to have personalities that reflect one parent more than the other :) I say this giggling as some might say, and I would agree, Isaac is a personality clone of Scott.
Here are a few pics of all of us as wee ones. Not sure if the boys look like either of us, but we're kind of fond of them either way. The above pic is Isaac at 8 weeks.

Isaac ~1 year

Isaac 6 months...look at that melon! I love this picture...

Isaac 14 months

Eli ~ 1 year

Eli 4 months....that's a 2T tux and the shirt doesn't button...he had outgrown the infant carseat at this point.

Eli 8ish months

Eli 1st birthday

Scott 2.5....about Eli's age

Yup...I'd be the only one in pink dress in this family...hopefully.

This is my second grade picture....same age of Isaac

This is Mike and I...he's 4 and I'm 3.

Not sure if this has helped figure out who the boys may or may not look like, but it was fun to look back and see how much they've grown. It all goes by way too fast.