Monday, December 28, 2009

The Christmas that Never Started & Yet Never Ended

Christmas 2009 detoured by 25.1 inches of snow! Still wound up to be a beautiful holiday. Plus the gifts just keep trickling in. Eli gets this look on his face like, again? Haven't we been doing this for the past month? Little does he know, we have birthday gift openings through the next month too! He'll catch on.... Gifts from Santa...

For the first year, Isaac was genuinely excited for Santa's visit. He had to prep the stockings to make sure they were all open and lined up. Last year, all he wanted was his baby brother. This year the list was a matchbox race car....much easier request I might add.

Isaac's aunties gave him a weedeater...he slept with those safety goggles on...and continues to use it FREQUENTLY!

Can't wait until that guy has kids....
A creation by the artist Hud...
Patience dad....

Yes, Isaac it is hard to to your grandfather....

Who needs gifts when you can have the remote all to yourself! You can kind of see the beginning of Eli getting sick here. On Sunday, we brought the little man into Urgent Care and came out with some meds for tonsilitis and pink eye.

The beautiful thing about our personalities is that there are careers that we are just not meant to explore. Like I cannot recall a time that anyone ever went up to my dad and said, "Tim, you should open a day care". Nope, never once.

They are wearing helments....some of you don't know how much of an improvement this is....AND, its a 4 wheeler not a truck....AND...its a sled not a car hood with a hole in it. Ahhh...childhood memories.

I love this pic....

Hope everyone got to celebrate the holiday with loved ones and got there safely!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Little Hot Chocolate for the Angels

Hope you all have a safe and blessed holiday!
Merry Christmas!

Preemptive snow angels...

Figured Isaac and I should make snow angels before they will be 2 feet deep... Dad's is on the left. Hope everyone has safe travels!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday....some assembly required...

Kris and Hudson made a safe journey from Omaha to Thompson. Hud was pretty excited to take in the hockey game...everyone had a great time! Eli turned 1 on the 15th....had a little birthday party on Sunday for him. Think he had a pretty good time....

Hud climbed on my lap and said....Auntie Danni, let's do just you and me....okey dokey....its one of the few pictures I have of the little guy that aren't blurry!

Not sure who's reading here....

Eli got a rocking chair from Grandpa and Grandma Bohlman.....Isaac and Hud were playing with his new toys on the other side...think next year's birthday might have a little more "action" than a watchful eye!

For a multitude of reasons, this took much longer than any of us had thought....

This has been a great holiday season. We've had so much fun hanging out at home and with family and friends. Hope you all have a great, safe holiday season!
A "happy birthday" shout out to Bri this past week as well!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elijah's First Birthday!

Wow, where has the time gone? What did we do before the little man? Come to think of it, where did our memory go?

It's a shame what happened to the cupcake...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Celebrate! Celebrate!!

Ahhhh...our first school Christmas program. To get a little insight into our house over the past few weeks, dangle your hands in front of you, shake them and sing "jingle, jingle". We were so excited to hear the rest..... His adoring fans waited patiently...

See the boy that resembles Isaac on the far left...the one on the verge of tears and not singing or doing any hand dangling? Ahhh, tonight would not display any vocal talent, but a good time had by all. The kids did a great job with the program though!

With Scott home for the weekend, the boys had a "camp out" in the living room. For a while I was very concerned for their safety, as there seemed to be a very angry bear out there. Isaac informed us in the morning that it was just Dad's angry nose.

Isaac and I attemped to do some holiday baking....

Church Holiday program...litle more success. Constant waves to his adoring fans, but there was bits of song escaping between asking the piano player if they were done yet.

Then off to celebrate Amy's 30th birthday....

Animal Cruelty at its worst...please look away if you have a weak stomach...

A picture that scream HAPPINESS!

We hope you're all blessed with opportunities to create holiday memories with loved ones. Scott and I went to a holiday party (did some christmas shopping prior- please see pic below) on Saturday to share some time with old, and some new, friends. Thanks Nikki and Bill!
We are truly blessed this holiday season!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Old lady shopping...

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let the Year of Sweetness Commence

What a great weekend! Beautiful fluffy snow and good times with family and friends. On Friday, Amous entered into her 30's and according to Scott, I left my Kareem year and entered my Walter Payton, Year of Sweetness. Or for normal peeps, I turned 34. Thank you so much for all the warm wishes. Scott threw a nice gathering with my family on Sunday. Isaac and Hannah seranaded us all...can't beat that! Thanks again everyone! Hopefully we'll be celebrating Amy's day next weekend when Dave and Ian return from the Vikings game in Phoenix. Then....Elijah turns 1! Wow...where did that year go?!