Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday....some assembly required...

Kris and Hudson made a safe journey from Omaha to Thompson. Hud was pretty excited to take in the hockey game...everyone had a great time! Eli turned 1 on the 15th....had a little birthday party on Sunday for him. Think he had a pretty good time....

Hud climbed on my lap and said....Auntie Danni, let's do just you and me....okey dokey....its one of the few pictures I have of the little guy that aren't blurry!

Not sure who's reading here....

Eli got a rocking chair from Grandpa and Grandma Bohlman.....Isaac and Hud were playing with his new toys on the other side...think next year's birthday might have a little more "action" than a watchful eye!

For a multitude of reasons, this took much longer than any of us had thought....

This has been a great holiday season. We've had so much fun hanging out at home and with family and friends. Hope you all have a great, safe holiday season!
A "happy birthday" shout out to Bri this past week as well!!

1 comment:

Katie Collette said...

Oh my gosh, Hudson is so BIG! I remember when he was born!

Happy holidays to you guys. :)