Saturday, May 2, 2009

Long Babbler

With the wedding quickly approaching, everyone is pitching in to make sure everything is perfect...or something like that:-)

Eli had his 4 month check up. He's proportional for height and weight...its just for a 6 or 7 month old! He weighed in at 20 lbs and 26 inches long. Unfortunately we learned he needs to have a helmet, but he's been taking it like a trooper. They started him on some rice cereal. He's pretty excited to be sitting up at the table with the rest of the family. He's also been picking up on some of his daddy's love for reading!

Grandpa got a new puppy who has become Isaac's best friend. Meet Harley! Isaac was trying to teach her how to drive the various tractors and showing her all the hotspots out at the farm today.

Dave hatched one of his ducks. Lauren, Tyler, Isaac and I went out and met the little one. He was moving around pretty quickly so it was hard to get a picture, but he was sure cute. It was a fun day.

Thank you to everyone for all their support over the last couple of weeks. We are truly blessed to have such great family and friends in our lives. We really appreciate all the food, flowers, running the boys around...everything. Thank you! Eli is feeling better and will hopefully be finishing with his nebulizer soon. I was able to leave the hospital last night and am feeling well. Scott has been an amazing nurse taking care of the three of us. Thanks again for everything.

Sorry if the pictures and text don't line up right. I can never get it to look all pretty...but wanted to put some new pics on. Next week we'll have some new pics of wedding.

Take care!

1 comment:

Katie Collette said...

Great pictures! Your boys are still adorable. :)

If you want your text to line up right, choose to "center" it when you add the image. It will force the text to go above and below the picture instead of wrap on the sides. Also, it helps if you add all the pictures first and then type around them.

Love, your techie friend Katie. :)