Monday, November 30, 2009

Lovin Life

Elijah got an early birthday gift this weekend from his aunt Shannon, uncle Mike and Matt. He's a pretty happy camper to say the least

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Losing my caucasian...

Two fisting a brownie...

Get the high pressure hose ready...

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Free (unguaranteed quality) apples

Leaves dropped from the apple tree this weekend... looks like we missed a few apples...

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Hello everyone! Hope the last week or so has treated you well. Can't believe how nice it is for November! We got some great news that our extended family is once again growing! Krista and Marc will be welcoming their newest member around May 31! We are so excited to meet our new neice or nephew!
Eli turned 11 months last weekend, weighs about 30 lbs and moves pretty good around the furniture. Not venturing out by himself, but he'll push some toys to get across areas. We have had the best week or so. Last weekend, we hung out down town with Emily D. and had some family pics done. We had so much fun it didn't feel like we were getting our pics taken. Afterward, Scott and I headed out to Mayville for a date. Mom and Dad came over Sunday for some supper...and we were ready for Monday!

Hope everyone is enjoying the preparation for the upcoming holiday season and the family time that comes with it. Mom and I did some shopping in Fargo yesterday while Mic and Ian watched the boys. Almost finished the Christmas shopping, got the Christmas cards ready to go while Scott was at a debate tournament. Dad, Mom, Isaac and I attended the Greater Grand Forks Symphony and choirs last night. Even got to hear Nathan Peasland sing...everyone did a spectacular job!The weekend was a good balance between fun and productivity!
Scott has been gimpin it this week. He fell at the school while carrying Elijah. To protect Eli, he put his elbows out to catch the fall. He fractured the radial head of his elbow. He seems to be doing pretty good right now. After he was told, he thought that would be a good name for a band or album. No, we did not scan his head to see if there was damage there :-)
We are off this week to visit Scott's family in Janesville for the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope that you all have a blessed and safe holiday!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mad recognition of his skillz...

Drills drills drills

Hoopster getting better...

Last day of Mighty Mite basketball... and no endorsement deals yet. Dang lack of scouting in ND!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Scott was out of town from Thursday until late last night/early this morning, so the boys and I hunkered down and got some stuff done. Did some steam cleaning of the carpet and furniture, lots of ironing and laundry and then lit the first fire of the season in the fire place. The boys and I got lots so the 4 of us could relax today. Scott and I both got a good work out in and putzed around.
The loss of this tooth, I believe started about this time last year. It has been just hanging there for the last couple of months. For the last couple of weeks, it would actually flip forward and back so much, we all thought it was out. Even moments before this, it was hanging by a corner and he thought it could just stay there.
That's all...nothing too exciting. Have a good week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Inefficient use of Child Labor

What a Gor-Ge-O-So day! Perfect fall day. Isaac has been trying to play in the abundance of leaves the last couple of weeks. So with Scott having a stack of papers to grade and a beautiful day to frolic in, Isaac and I went out to play! Well...we started raking the leaves into a pile. Then as we looked around at our neighbors pristene lawns, we realized we should harness that energy a bit. So, I bagged the yard and Isaac took the leaves in his wagon to the garden or fire pit. It was fool proof! We were having a great time and being productive. We soon realized there were a lot of stinkin leaves out there...and we had a small with Grandpa in Omaha.... we got a bigger wagon! Things were going swell for quite some time, then our attention span started to waiver a tad...then we added more kindergartners. I know what you're thinking...Dan, there is nothing that screams productivity more than a handful of Kindergartners. Sadly, we are both wrong.
See the leaves in this shot? They had a better chance of being picked up by the wind, bouncing off the backboard, off the roof and circling under truck bed cover then getting in there by these two. I think they had fun though...and they tried. All that wasted energy :-)

Kenny then, that brave soul, tried to harness that energy. He seemed to have better luck having them pick out the pumpkin seeds.

Isaac and I then went out to the farm to frolic in Gpa's and Gma's leaves. Eli on the other hand, sat care free in the house, snacking away while his dad graded papers.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend.


In the past year, our family continues to expand...Eli, Ian, Sushi and now CALI! Sorry Dad, I suppose we should include Harley. Ian and Mic got Sushi a new playmate this past week.


Paging Dr. Conrad and Yoda! Isaac likes handing out candy rather than actually trick-or-treating, so for the second year we distributed. Scott and I couldn't recall too many groups that came to the door that didn't know our new Kindergartner...teenagers, preschoolers and everyone in between. Our little social butterfly...or politician.
Dressed up in this silly costume am I.

On Friday, Isaac's class dressed up and went to a nursing home in Grand Forks and sang some ghoolish songs.

Watching Eli walk around the furniture in his costume, for some reason, was entertaining to Scott and I.

Neighbor kids, Whitney, Tyler, Lauren and Riley all ready to go for the night! We dumped all our candy in some Target bags...almost 3 bags full and its all gone but a handful of pieces. Lots of kids for this nice Halloween night. I want to apologize to the 4 or 5 year old child who was dressed up like a Jimmy Hendrix type character. Next year I promise not to let my husband answer the door. The 'loved you at Woodstock" comment from him would be very confusing to you. Don't feel bad, you weren't the only one who was tormented by his elderly comments.

Our pumpkins...

Happy Halloween everyone!!!