Sunday, November 1, 2009

Inefficient use of Child Labor

What a Gor-Ge-O-So day! Perfect fall day. Isaac has been trying to play in the abundance of leaves the last couple of weeks. So with Scott having a stack of papers to grade and a beautiful day to frolic in, Isaac and I went out to play! Well...we started raking the leaves into a pile. Then as we looked around at our neighbors pristene lawns, we realized we should harness that energy a bit. So, I bagged the yard and Isaac took the leaves in his wagon to the garden or fire pit. It was fool proof! We were having a great time and being productive. We soon realized there were a lot of stinkin leaves out there...and we had a small with Grandpa in Omaha.... we got a bigger wagon! Things were going swell for quite some time, then our attention span started to waiver a tad...then we added more kindergartners. I know what you're thinking...Dan, there is nothing that screams productivity more than a handful of Kindergartners. Sadly, we are both wrong.
See the leaves in this shot? They had a better chance of being picked up by the wind, bouncing off the backboard, off the roof and circling under truck bed cover then getting in there by these two. I think they had fun though...and they tried. All that wasted energy :-)

Kenny then, that brave soul, tried to harness that energy. He seemed to have better luck having them pick out the pumpkin seeds.

Isaac and I then went out to the farm to frolic in Gpa's and Gma's leaves. Eli on the other hand, sat care free in the house, snacking away while his dad graded papers.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend.

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