Friday, December 31, 2010

A coded holiday message from us

As a last post to 2010, a video from our backyard Christmas decoration. If you figure it out, please answer to forthcoming poll... and have a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Elijah!

Eli turns 2 today. Where does the time go? Eli and I are chilling today...started the morning by playing in a fort with his new toys. Sunday everyone came over to celebrate Eli's party. He has been going from toy to toy ever since!

Isaac had his Christmas program last week....this year no tears! They did such a good job and seemed to have fun.
Da brothers....

Scott's dad made this ark and all the animals. Its a special treat when the boys get to play with it. Isaac kept calling it the Mayflower, etc....little confused but we'll get there.
We hope you are all having a great holiday season thus far and are able to celebrate with loved ones.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

DADDY, What is that?

Randomness of Slackers

Hello! Wow we've been asleep at the blog wheel lately! Haven't been up to a whole lot. Enjoying the new snow in our area. Both of the boys love being outside and find every reason possible to get out there.
Scott and my mom made such a nice meal for all of us this weekend in honor of my birthday. Thanks to everyone for all of the messages, cards and gifts. Its so nice to have such great family and friends!
Our Thanksgiving plans were altered due to storms and freezing rain. We stayed close to home and enjoyed a few moments in the snow.

Our soon to be 2 year old....
Hope you are all well and enjoying the holiday season!