Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another entry into "NOT Dad of the Year..."


Brian said...

I have long said that Conrad is the reason that people get injured. My shoulder...are all just small bits of evidence in a long history of abuse just being around him. Now he has little Elijah to abuse. Poor kid! - Brian

Unknown said...

I believe he was present when my wife broke her foot skiing as well. In fact, he was the first person on the scene.

Scott Conrad said...

1. Mrs. Espelien fell on her own.
2. Bri needs an intervention about his klutziness.
3. Jah laughed and wanted to keep having fun with his action-hero, stunt-performing father.
4. If I get more grief, I'm going to rent a snowmobile and take SOMEONE NAMED BRIAN PEASLAND for a ride... he can film his last moments of mobility!
5. Nothin' else... it was a dumb idea, after all...