Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Think the boys had a great time this Halloween. Grandpa brought in his life size 'Gator' thingy and drove the boys and I around town. Eli was going to be Clark Kent for trick or treating, but he was loving his "fire fire fighter" costume.
Scott and I went out this weekend as well. Mom and Dad took the kids over night so we could get a full night's rest with no blood sugar checks! Awww...felt sooo good! They rock! They take good care of us...lucky to have them!  We were able to check out JL Beers and walk...yes, walk up to our local bar and shoot a couple games of pool. However, when people started coming for the costume party, we decided to shuffle home. Think we're officially old...or something like that :)
Hope everyone had a safe and gooley night!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stone Boys

Bryson James Stone

Eli was loving playing older brother for the weekend....

Mr. Kelton

Stone boys...Hudson (5), Kelton (1) and Bryson

Movie time with aunt Krista

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Brothers

Scott's favorite pic :)
This didn't end well...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Remodel Update

Isaac's lip after 9 stitches....

 Some of you have asked how the remodel turned out. Here are a few pics of the "almost" finished project. Mom and dad are finding the finishing touches. Dad has some more wiring to do after he feels a little better as well, but you get the basic idea. For those of you who have been in our house, you can see its a big difference in the overall feeling when you come in. Excited to celebrate many family big and little events there!
 You can see the old living room in the back....

Hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I would guess our next post will be tons of pics of our beautiful new nephew. We'll be taking a trip to Omaha this upcoming week. Can you tell I'm a proud auntie? :) Love my nephews and niece (yup, only one niece...yay Katie!)
Have a good week everyone!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bryson James Stone

Big brother Hudson...tried to rotate him a few times, but evidently wants to be sideways!

Bryson James Stone entered the world very quickly on October 8. His expected date of arrival was November 1, but this 6 lbs 4 oz nephew was in a hurry. As a matter of fact, he couldn't even wait to get to the hospital to make his debut...his daddy delivered him in their bathroom waiting for the emergency crew. That's an entrance!
There are some more pics at Welcome to the family Bryson! Conrgats to Krista, Marc, Hudson and Kelton!!!

Some random fall moments. We haven't been very good at updating the blog. A Sunday evening at the park ended in 9 stitches in Isaac's lower lip. I was pushing him on the "gliders". As one of his paras said, "Part of being a kid, but you're probably not going to get mom of the year". Amen to that! Eli is doing really well with his potty training. The changing table is officially in West Fargo awaiting baby Craig!