Sunday, October 16, 2011

Remodel Update

Isaac's lip after 9 stitches....

 Some of you have asked how the remodel turned out. Here are a few pics of the "almost" finished project. Mom and dad are finding the finishing touches. Dad has some more wiring to do after he feels a little better as well, but you get the basic idea. For those of you who have been in our house, you can see its a big difference in the overall feeling when you come in. Excited to celebrate many family big and little events there!
 You can see the old living room in the back....

Hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I would guess our next post will be tons of pics of our beautiful new nephew. We'll be taking a trip to Omaha this upcoming week. Can you tell I'm a proud auntie? :) Love my nephews and niece (yup, only one niece...yay Katie!)
Have a good week everyone!


Katie Collette said...

Wait, wait. You're going to put up a pic of NINE stitches and not tell us how it happened??

(Love the remodel, BTW, looks fantastic!)

Danielle said...

My bad :) I was pushing him on a "glider" thing at school when he let go. Belly flopped on the metal platform...his chin hit the edge. Bit through his lip. They had to knock him out to put them in. Got the bill on Friday...1500 bucks...just to put them in. Thank goodness for two health insurances! :) Ugh...spendy day at the park!

I really like how things turned out at mom and dad's. Its really coming together.

Katie Collette said...

Holy crap! That sounds very ouchie. I hope it heals quickly and doesn't hurt too badly while doing so.