Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Da Lake

Even with a little rain, we had a relaxing weekend at Lake Plantaganet! Uncle Paul grew a constant shadow to assist with pretty much everything. Even got a free fire building lesson....
Scott and Isaac took their annual canoe ride. One of these days, Isaac may actually paddle...or take the oar out of the water!

Must have went fast....post canoe hair.
Elijah taking a break from a hard day....
The boys caught a ride back up to the cabin...I'm sure this is OSHA approved, no need to file any types of reports...please.

The sun wasn't exactly beating down on us, but we still ventured out and had a good time.

The Brigadoon sisters...no idea how to spell that...maybe if I would have heard more words of the song ladies I could have gotten that right :-) Please don't call with any more verses!
Elijah was less than impressed of his Grandmother's and Great Aunt's rendition of some song...he held this look for most of the boat ride....about as long the song. Correlation? Tough to say.

Isaac and I went for a walk down by the creek. He picked a flower for Grandma...roots and all. We had a good time looking at all the deer tracks.

Nighty night...hope everyone had a good weekend and start of the week. Half way done...then I get to join the boys in their frolicing....or whatever it is they do!


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