Sunday, August 2, 2009

August Begins...

Friday, we took the boys out to Crookston to get their pics taken. Eli likes to lay on the floor and squiggle we got him ready and let him to just that while the rest of us got ready. We heard a muffled...ugh. Did I mention he likes to take the corners of the blanket and roll? This is what we found. Little bugger.
Hey everyone! I'm just exploring a bit. I got two teeth this weekend, with two more poking out!

And snoozing with "mega me"....

Our neighbors had a litter of puppies, the runt of the bunch loved Isaac....and Isaac loved him. After much hemming and hahhing, we decided it wasn't the right time to get a puppy. Isaac put him back in his kennel....waved bye bye...and then blew him kisses. As we walked away, he put his hand over his heart and said I'm sad inside. If he wouldn't have bounced back so quick, this probably would have been a "welcome fang/morgan/the dog" spot. Ufda.

On Tuesday mom celebrated "a" birthday. Saturday we hung out with family to celebrate.

Ta-da! There ya go Jenna. Your debut!

Sunday, Scott felt we needed to get out of the house. So we picked a direction and headed in it....the Conrad family ended up in Warren, MN at the Marshall county fair. I have to say this is the nicest fair. We, mostly, had a fantabulous time.
Scott found a corndog as big as his head. For those of you who have seen his noggin, this is quite a task. He was very happy about this find...I think the picture speaks for itself.

Hey guys!

Seriously, I just want to be left alone. All I get to do is sit in this stroller.

I wasn't kidding....

Evidently, a ride going in a constant circle at 1-2 mph can be very frightening....

Oh...I forgot, I like this...high five dude! My bad.
Isaac almost lost his cookies on this one......darn dragons.
Bumper cars were a favorite....

That's all...just a simple weekend hanging out with loved ones....can't get any better than that. Hope everyone got to enjoy the balmy 60ish degree weather :-)


Katie Collette said...

There is just too much to comment on in this one: Scott's shirt, your son flicking the camera off, Isaac and the puppy... fun summer times!

Danielle said...

I KNOW! Scott's favorite number is pi. When I went to that asset development thingy in St. Lois last June, the children's musuem had a huge pi exhibit. Had to get him something. The 3 boys may do me in! Hope your's is smoother sailing :-)